Matt is my friend’s elusive older brother, who used to come and go from his house, while we used to sit around giggling, watching What Not To Wear and Sex and the City like the underage high school teenagers that we were. I’m sure he also bought us some booze once or twice in our day, before we had a few fake ID’s in our friend group! We’re talking like 15 years ago, so my memory is a little clouded.

Beta, also a Hillcrest High School alumni, was a few years older than us, as well, but if memory serves me right, we played on the same volleyball team one season!

Beta and Matt didn’t really know each other in high school, but later met through a mutual friend one night when said friend picked Beta up from a bar in downtown Ottawa, and Matt was in the car with them. The two hit it off and fast forward 7.5 years later, Matt proposed to Beta as they were putting up their Christmas tree this past year. Adorbs.

A few weeks ago, we met up at the Canadian Museum of History for their engagement session on a beautiful evening. Beta is a natural in front of the camera! And Matt just appears cool, calm and collected with his girl by his side.

exterior of the Canadian Museum of History engaged couple walking down the steps holding hands and laughing in black and white engaged couple standing on a rock by the tall grass engaged couple holding hands walking by the Ottawa River and Alexandria Bridgeengaged couple standing outside the Canadian Museum of History in black and whiteengaged couple smiling together with tall green grass in the background engaged couple sitting on the steps together with arms around each other

I love a good, ‘wind in my hair, don’t care’ moment! So beautiful!

Engaged couple laughing sitting on the steps as the wind blows the woman's hair engaged couple holding hands at sunset Engaged girl fixing her hair at sunset engaged couple cuddling together at sunsetman helping his fiancee as she steps off a rock in her high heels

The geese were not budging, so we embraced it and made it part of the shot. Turned out to be one of my faves!

Engaged couple standing by the water with Canada Geese

And, I mean, you can’t beat that view!

engaged couple kissing by the Ottawa River with the Parliament Buildings in the background

So excited for these two to tie the knot in October at the Museum of Nature. It’s going to be a beauty day!


Canadian Museum of History engagement session: Matt and Beta

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